Foto de Weslley Alves de Aguiar

Weslley Aguiar

aka Raiuga

Software Developer Analyst

From Brazil

This project was created as an exercise in the "Programming Station" course, a partnership between Mastertech and Facebook.

And even after finishing the course, I decided to continue it.

This game was made to play with a friend, where the winner is the one who form three houses with the same symbol in line, whether horizontal, vertical or diagonal.

This game was made to play alone, where you can choose between stone, paper and scissors, and when you hit the start button, compare your choice with the CPU's and find out who won the match.

The rules are simple:

  • Stone wins from scissors
  • Scissors wins from paper
  • Paper wins from stone

This game was made from tutorial Write a Tetris game in JavaScript , from Meth Meth Method channel, and modified for this project.